Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A New Post At Last!

No, there is not a problem with the link you have been using to check up on our blog. Yes, we are still alive and well here in Missouri. No, we have not forgotten about our good intentions of blogging updates and such often. Yes, we are finally updating the blog!

For all those who check up on us regularly and have been disappointed to find no new posts in quite a while, here is a long awaited recap of life around here. Many of you were aware that we had taken the position of houseparents with a local Pregnancy Help Center and Maternity Home back in October. For a number of reasons, we resigned our post as of January 6 and came home to our little cabin in the woods. While our time has certainly not been uneventful or altogether easy (what with a blizzard and all, snowing in our truck for nearly three weeks), we have been enjoying spending time together as a family and working around the property.

Regarding home/property improvement projects we have now completed the woodshed and the outhouse (except for the curtains, which have been cut and just need to be sewn up). The girls are fond of the outhouse and especially enjoy opening the door and windows by themselves to look out and talk to us in the garden. Their very handy daddy installed a rope on the door that allows them to pull the door closed without having to hold onto it and maneuver the stairs at the same time. Even our little one can take herself potty now, which she does seemingly on a whim when we are working or playing outside.

We have also nearly completed a sizeable porch. Of course, my love did most of the actual construction, but the girls and I had a grand time painting the floor of the porch to protect it from the mud and the rain. All that is left here are the hand rails and a more official step (the cinder blocks we are using are sufficing quite nicely for now however). Eventually, we will have a washer and dryer set up on the porch as well, but for now we just have the dryer. We are quite blessed to have been able to purchase a fairly large generator to run these kinds of appliances and provide a greater energy output when we really need it. The biggest blessing in the generator is that it came with an electric start option, so even Mama can turn it on. (I still have not managed to start the pull start generator.)

Always mindful of my needs and desires, Husband lovingly installed a deep double sink in the kitchen. Indoor drainage is a convenience I had really come to miss and am quite thankful to have again. We found a great, brand new stainless steel sink at the Habitat for Humanity Restore for $35. About a week ago we saw the same sink at Lowe’s for $157. Even with all of the plumbing to drain it to the proper spot outside, we did not come anywhere near the regular asking price of the sink. Thrift stores are wonderful places. 

We are currently working on setting up a nice, large garden spot out in front of the house. We have two of our wide rows completed and several small planters around the house. This project is progressing nicely, though a little slower than we would like to see. There are a lot of tree roots, rocks, vines, rocks, weeds, and did I mention rocks? Husband is great with a pick axe and the girls are wonderful at rock relocation. Their favorite gardening project is actually putting seed in dirt. We bought a little green house box to keep inside that they planted with tomatoes, tomatillos, various kinds of peppers, melons, and even some flowers. They were thrilled when the first sprouts appeared and just had to spend some time laying on the floor staring into the propped open box. 

After all of their hard work, winter lasted longer than anticipated and most of these sprouts did not survive. However, our outside plants have come up and are doing well. The girls love to exclaim about the newest growth they can find.

We were able to get 14 fruit trees in the orchard area near our home, so we are looking forward to some homegrown fruit this year (provided we can keep the squirrels and raccoons out of it). We have peaches, cherries, nectarines, apples, and apricots.

All of the wet and wintery weather has really taken its toll on our easement, so reconstruction is an ongoing project as well. When we are not in the garden or out and about, we are probably working on getting the easement driveable again. But for now, walking to the top when we have to go places is proving enjoyable and we are all benefitting from the extra exercise. A friend with a tractor is planning on coming over very soon to work with Husband on this one.

Our most recent additions are half a dozen ducks and a dozen chicks. They are happily residing in our hillbilly chicken coop (aka the old camper shell from the truck) and we are working on a bigger coop for them that should be ready in plenty of time for them to be big enough to need it.

Life is a constant spelling bee for Mama since McGee is loving letters and words of all types. Different types give her trouble though (font types that is). One man’s I looks a whole lot like another man’s l or 1. She will get it though and her little sister usually sits in on our lessons, so by the time she can talk she will be able to spell.

Baby #3 is doing well also. With just under two months to go we are looking forward to the arrival and beginning to think about gathering baby things (onesies and sleepers and such). Firstborn daughter still insists this little one is a brother, so we really have no need to settle in on a girl name. We have it narrowed down to two just in case.

I think that about sums it up. Until next time,
My Family
Wife Speaking


  1. Hi, what a blessing to read. Thank you for sharing this latest and exciting development. We are there with you. Frequently mention you all in prayer, working hard towards total debt pay off, and seeking God as we also continue to press forward. Wish we were there beside you all now. Love from all of us, Germany

  2. Need to post some photos too!! Love hearing what is going on with you guys. I think of you guys often. Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!! So exciting. Love,Danica

  3. So good to hear from you! we were excited to hear of your newest blessing as well. :) Love ya!!!
