Thursday, July 29, 2010

Guinea Pictures

We purchased seven different varieties of guinea fowl. Each variety has distinct markings that help you identify them as keets (babies). This little one should be a royal purple. Royal purples are very dark and black in color with a purple shine. They have irregular dotting and barring in their flank area. THey show their color best in full sun.

Chocolate...they will be dark brown with a few dots and bars in the flank area.

Brown...dark brown with white dots.

coral blue...medium blue with darker coral blue on the neck, chest and back. A few dots and bars in the flank.

This one is pied, which means it will look somewhat like a penguin.


A dusty black with a purple shee. THey show their color best on a cloudy day or when the sun is at your back while looking at them. THey are a solid color.



i really like the pied ones :)

These are a bit outdated. The birds were 3 days old at the time. Now they have fully feathered wings and fly all around their "coop" (an old camper shell).

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Guineas Have Arrived!

Finally, after a few months of waiting, the guinea fowl we ordered are here. 31 made it here alive and we still have 28. Three died in one day of unknown causes (we were not home... it looks like they got trampled in a guinea pile). Everyone else looks healthy, though there are about 4 that are much smaller than the rest. THey are getting bigger and growing their wing feathers. With these feathers they are also starting to flap around in their box. THe girls love to watch them and play with them, though they do need CONSTANT supervision, for the safety of the birds.

Meanwhile, we have been busy. We helped orchestrate a Vacation Bible School last week. It was enjoyed by an average of 15 kids per night. We also have begun working with the local Pregnancy Help Center and would appreciate prayers for this ministry, our part in it, the other volunteers, the young pregnant woman who lives at the center and the upcoming Walk 4 Life (annual fundraiser).

We have pictures. i'll send them soon. :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Those Funny Little Things Kids Say (And Do!)! And a family update....

Recently the girls have been entertaining us with some of their antics. Hopefully, I remember all the ones I wanted to post.

McGee, while "reading" her new children's dictionary, "The Lord says, 'Get out of their guy! Get out of the kitchen! That is where the wife lives!'" The picture on the page at the time was a guy in a workshop, that apparently reminded McGee of a kitchen.

Bernard has taken to climbing up to their library and out onto the stairs if left alone for a second. She is living up to her middle name!!!

The other day Mama was having attitude issues and was rather grumpy with McGee. She sweetly turned to me and said, "Mama, you need to have a better attitude. God wants us to have good attitudes." How right she was! It is precious to have your child remind you to live what you preach. Mama's attitude did improve after this.

I'm sure there was more, but it will have to wait since I have forgotten!

Meanwhile, we are praising the Lord for His provision! Husband got a job working in the produce section at our local Walmart! His first week on the job we were blessed with unusually cool weather so the girls and I could accomplish some of our work at home.

Another recent blessing was a day of wonderful fellowship at the home of some of our friends. There was quite the crowd for the 4th of July festivities - 8 adults and 15 children, combined with three hours of fireworks, tons of food and some great music (played by many of the children and a few parents). The girls had a wonderful time running and playing for hours.

Well, that's all for now! Thanks for tuning in.

My Family
(Wife Speaking)