Monday, June 7, 2010

A Medical Science Lesson For You

Well, folks. It turns out we will not be having a baby this December. Wait a second! Before you get too concerned and upset, you should know a few things. The Lord is in control of the womb and the timing of all blessings thereof, whether they survive the womb or not. We trust to Him the care of all of our children. According to the midwife we saw, my body released what is known as a blighted ovum. This is a deformed egg that she said does not get fertilized or implant, but causes an empty sac to form with a small placenta (about the size of a large lime). The body releases all of the pregnant hormones and thinks it is pregnant, but there is no baby. After a while the body figures out that there is no baby and stops producing the hormones for pregnancy, thus releasing the egg and other tissues in the uterus. This is similar to when a chicken lays an eggshell with nothing in it... only different. According to everything else we read online and other people's doctors, conception does occur, but due to the genetic issues of the egg the baby dies before it has a chance to grow into anything that looks like a baby. We are resting in the knowledge that the Lord knows exactly what happened when and He takes care of our little ones.

Things we have learned from all of this:
1) Mama needs to take better care of herself when it gets hot around here (I don't drink enough water).
2) There is a wonderful midwife near us in Versailles who is quite informative and helpful.
3) Seeing an empty womb on an ultrasound machine when you are expecting to see a baby is a very strange feeling.
4) God is good and has great plans for us. He knows what He is doing, whether or not we do.

So, we anxiously await the arrival of our next little blessing, whenever the Lord should decide to bless us with another, if the Lord should decide to bless us with another. We just wanted to update everyone. We are all doing well. Feel free to comment and let us know how you are doing. Thank you all for your prayers and concern. We love you!

Praise the Lord for His goodness and timing,
My Family
Wife Speaking