From Sierra Vista, Arizona to Albequerque, New Mexico – 450.75 miles.
Departure Musings
Upon leaving, we noticed that the clouds that moved in last night made an interesting picture that corresponds to our life right now. The road immediately lying in front of us is clear, yet clouds obscured the mountains in the distance. This is as our life at this point. The Lord gives the direction and foresight for what immediately lies ahead. We are not in a fog, not knowing where we are going or where we are at the present time, but our horizon remains shrouded in mystery. We are given a vague picture of what lies behind these clouds, but how to get there, whether we shall pass through or stay we know not. Psalm 119:105 came to mind, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The lamp spoken of here was typically a little lamp that attached to a person’s sandals, illuminating only the very next step for the wearer, while leaving the rest of the path in darkness.
Arizona Wine Country
As we were leaving, we passed Highway 80-something toward Patagonia and Nogales and
were reminded of the last time we went down that road. We saw an interesting sign that said “Wine Country.” For the next several miles, observing the landscape of lush plentiful weeds, we thought to ourselves, “There seems to be something missing here.”
Weather Watch
Departure Musings
Upon leaving, we noticed that the clouds that moved in last night made an interesting picture that corresponds to our life right now. The road immediately lying in front of us is clear, yet clouds obscured the mountains in the distance. This is as our life at this point. The Lord gives the direction and foresight for what immediately lies ahead. We are not in a fog, not knowing where we are going or where we are at the present time, but our horizon remains shrouded in mystery. We are given a vague picture of what lies behind these clouds, but how to get there, whether we shall pass through or stay we know not. Psalm 119:105 came to mind, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The lamp spoken of here was typically a little lamp that attached to a person’s sandals, illuminating only the very next step for the wearer, while leaving the rest of the path in darkness.
Arizona Wine Country
As we were leaving, we passed Highway 80-something toward Patagonia and Nogales and

Weather Watch
Aside from some beautiful desert scenery on our journey, we have encountered some interesting weather patterns. Throughout the day, we have seen everything from rain to sleet, snow, hail, clear sunny skies, clouds, and strong winds. All the while, the outside temperature was moderately chilly (without the wind) and downright nippy when the winds picked up.
New Beginnings
New Beginnings
We thought it interesting that as we embark on this new phase of our lives, we are also beginning a new book in our daily Bible readings as a family: the book of Psalms. Already this has provided thought provoking discussions for our drive. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that we begin these two journeys at the same time. As we learn more and more about how to be a family together, we are simultaneously learning about the praises of God together. Consequently, it may also prove interesting that shortly after setting up on the property and getting things underway, we will be learning wisdom from the Proverbs.
Today we read Psalms 1-3. In Psalm one, we learn the importance of God’s Word. Psalm 2 shows us the importance of trusting in Him, for His kingdom lasts forever, whereas the kingdoms of this world constantly rise and fall. Even when they take counsel together against Him and His anointed, He simply laughs. Psalm 3 illustrates God’s sustaining power. We learn about trusting God to sustain us even and especially in the midst of trouble.
We look forward to continuing to study through the Psalms as a family while are on the road and as we start our work in Missouri.
Entertainment Encounters
Along with a few episodes of “Life at the Pond” and some classical guitar music, we spent part of our day listening to preaching. We found them to be quite beneficial and were especially impressed by a quote from A.W. Tozer,
“A real Christian is an odd number anyway. He feels supreme love for one whom he has never seen, talks familiarly everyday to someone he cannot see, expects to go to heaven on the virtue of another, empties himself in order to be full, admits he is wrong so that he can be declared right, goes down in order to get up, is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest and happiest when he feels the worst. He dies so he can live, forsakes in order to have, gives away so he can keep, sees the invisible, hears the inaudible, and knows that which passes knowledge.”
(From The Knowledge of the Holy)
The premise of the sermon was that if this characterizes your life, people would say that you are out of your mind. If this is so, you are in good company. Christ was declared “beside Himself” as was Paul, as well as countless martyrs throughout the ages. So are you an out of your mind Jesus freak?
My Family
Collaborative Effort
My Family
Collaborative Effort
Very thought provoking. thank you