Friday, April 11, 2014

Join us in prayer & support for Africa!

Several people have asked us how to contribute financially toward our journey to Africa. So far as we can tell, Paypal is the easiest method of giving. To send money through Paypal, you will need our email address. It is Thank you for your support!

Friday, April 4, 2014

One More Step Achieved

Praise the Lord! We have six passports in hand! We also got our bookmarks made! Now, we're working on a letter of introduction and info sheet on Ethiopia to hand out to churches. Soon we need to contact the Ethiopian embassy about residency visas. So exciting! Meanwhile, we're beginning to try to learn some Amharic before we go. So far, the kids have picked up a handful of phrases that they enjoy using around the house. Selam = Hello Ciao = Good-bye Ah-ay = No Ah-ow = Yes (they especially have fun with this one!) Wuha = Water Wutut = Milk Right now we are preparing to go back home after a night with some good friends waiting out a storm front. :) Have a wonderful day!