Monday, June 3, 2013

She's finally here!

Yes, folks. 41 weeks & 3 days later, our newest blessing has arrived! Though delayed, her birth showed the love & concern of God in answered prayers. She was born Tuesday, May 28 at 8:11pm. She weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds 15 ounces and measured 21.5 inches long. She has mama's nose, daddy's chin & her brother's appetite. In six days she has gained 9 ounces, for a grand total of 10 and a half pounds! Praise the Lord for a healthy baby!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Almost there!

Finally! I fixed the ticker! We have happily entered the third trimester of this pregnancy and everything is going along well with Mama and baby. Already we are asked frequently about our due date and people are generally amazed to find we still have 2.5 months to go. :) Life in our house has been quite busy and interesting the last few months. We were blessed to be able to visit Wife's parents, sister, niece, grandparents, aunts & uncle at the end of December. We also stopped in to see Husband's sister and her children. What wonderful times of fellowship and fun! Returning home, we discovered that our house was badly in need of some renovation, which we propmtly started. Though we have not quite finished, we have done the worst of it and are putting everything back together nicely now. Our little country cabin is becoming quite the cozy cottage! The girls and Mama have been busily sewing curtains and pillow covers to dress things up a little and brighten our home, while Husband has installed several more windows that have blessed us with much more light. Recently, wife's parents stopped by for a short visit on their way to their new home. We had a great time! And they made it out just before the big snow storm hit, leaving us snowbound for a little while. We have enjoyed some great times in the snow as a family & with our neighbors children. Things are warming up now and we look forward to being able to use our road again soon. With the coming of spring we are also planning our garden setup for this year. Hopefully the Lord will bless our efforts with enough sunshine and water to grow a bountiful crop of tasty vegetables for our table and others. Soon enough May will be here, Husband will be off work for the birth of our little one and we will be able to settle in to the routine of having a newborn in the house again. The girls especially are looking forward to being big helpers with the baby. :) In the meantime, they are helping tremendously with all that goes on in our home already. McGee delights us often with her reading abilities and recollections. Bernard has encouraged us to begin formally teaching her to read as well. So far, Daddy has had the honor of doing most of the teaching. She loves her reading lessons on Daddy's lap. Our little man keeps us laughing at all that he says and does. How different boys are! Well, I suppose that's all the news to share from here. Have a great day!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Quick Update to Our Update

Ticker's still broken... But we had a detailed ultrasound and it turns out we are to be blessed with our third little girl. There was a glitch with the first ultrasound machine that caused a mirror image baby and made it look like we were going to have twins. One healthy baby is still quite the blessing!