Romans 1:18 “for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven…” How? In raining fire and brimstone? At times God’s justice is administered in that way, but pay close attention to the wording here as we move forward. “against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.” How is God’s complete judgment foretold from Heaven? May I suggest to you a record that predates the existence of every living creature, written in the very stars of the cosmos, known biblically as mazzaroth. For a more detailed study of mazzaroth I suggest “The Gospel in the Stars” by Joseph Seiss and “Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation” by Dennis R. Petersen, but for a brief glimpse, realizing that the entire study is far more intricate, here is an excerpt from my History curriculum concerning day four:

Virgo – A deliverer supernaturally conceived of a virgin, born as a man, yet the Son of God. Libra – To balance the scales of divine justice, an adequate price must redeem man from his curse as a sinner.
Scorpio – Redemption’s price requires the death of the deliverer, who must also destroy the serpent-tempter.
Sagittarius – The two-natured deliverer conquers the dragon and receives praise.
Capricornus – The living fish results from the death of the atoning sacrificial goat, and resurrection life is shared with all true believers.
Aquarius – The Water of Life poured out on the redeemed who await the sure return of the redeemer.
Pisces – Delayed salvation sets free those in bondage who await their coming King.
Aries – The Lamb was slain to deliver the freed woman to marry her deliverer, overcoming the great dragon.
Taurus – The Judge comes to rule as Prince of Glory as fiery wrath pours out on His enemies and His people are protected in the day of wrath.
Gemini – The coming Prince of Glory crushes the enemy underfoot.
Cancer – The gathered flock is secure in the safe harbor and rest of their coming redeemer.
Leo – The triumphant redeemer destroys the serpent upon which the wrath of God is poured out and then is devoured by the raven.”
And to continue with vs 18- “who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” Who is the who? Ungodly and unrighteous men. In what way do they suppress the truth in unrighteousness? By exchanging the truth of God (as revealed in mazzaroth) for the lie (as revealed in the zodiac) - reference verse 25. Have you ever wondered why all the ancient star gazing groups on different continents use the same star configurations? Maybe they have a common root in corrupted truth.
This conclusion came about in studying the verses in their context and it all ties together so beautifully it seemed best to present the scripture (with my thoughts in parentheses). So keeping the above in mind…
Rom 1:19 “19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them.” (Who is them? I believe these are two different thems; the first being the mazzaroth signs, and the second being the same unrighteous men that choose to exchange God’s truth for their lie. This lie began before the division at Babel and was perpetuated throughout their generations to follow. In introducing their corruption, they knew exactly what they were doing and did it on purpose.)
Rom 1:20 “20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen (stars are quite evident to all let alone the rest of creation), being understood by (or through) the things that are made (again stars would be one of those many things that proclaim God’s Glory), even his eternal power and Godhead (see mazzaroth intro above); so that they (these unrighteous men) are without excuse:”
Romans 1:21 21Because that, when they knew God, they (these unrighteous inventers of idolatry)glorified him not as God, neither were thankful (While the lack of esteem toward God is expected to precede an idolatrous ideology, I find it interesting that thankfulness is also mentioned as a driving factor in the origin of man’s postdiluvian apostasy.); but became vain (self-centered) in their imaginations (as though they provided their own of life’s necessities and luxuries), and their foolish heart was darkened. (Their heart being foolish already in thinking highly of itself and little of God became all the more darkened as their thinking was manifest in their action. Foolishness begets foolishness until utter depravity fails to describe man’s lowly estate as we gleefully wallow in our own filth like a swine in the mire.)
Rom 1:22 22Professing themselves to be wise (The all sufficient source of supernatural knowledge as the inventor and priest on high of the god of their own imagination made after their own corrupt image), they became fools, (how foolish it is to bow before a log that you yourself carved and, as Isaiah said, use the rest of the log to burn a sacrifice to it.)
Rom 1:23 23And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man (Have you ever noticed throughout man’s history how man naturally assumes a caliber a step or two below the deity they claim to serve? But when the deity is made after the corrupted mind of a wayward man the deity is made at least one step below him, allowing him then to assume the position three steps below where he was. Inevitably then man and the master of the “god” he “serves” will then ascribe any action, attitude or outright atrocity he desires to pursue to the deity of his invention, thereby excusing all manor of wickedness by calling it a divine attribute worthy of pursuit and altogether admirable. From here on out man is in an almost uncontrollable downward spiral engaging in these unseemly actions mentioned by Paul here to follow, and many more besides), and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. (Man’s imagination is somewhat pathetic, we have no ability to conceive of something that beforehand did not exist, the height of our creativity is to scramble and rearrange that which God has created.)
Rom 1:24 24Wherefore (Given the downward spiral of idolatry as described above) God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts (again see note on vs 23), to dishonor their own bodies between themselves (This is the natural course of idolatry.)
Rom 1:25 25Who changed the truth of God into a lie (mazzaroth into zodiac), and worshipped and served the creature (sometimes fashioning an image sometimes not, either way idolatry) rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections (Again the downward spiral as mentioned above): for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature (Homosexuality and beastiality are a direct result of idolatry):
Rom 1:27 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly (self explanatory), and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due. (The sexually immoral lifestyle leads to all manner of S.T.D.’s and physical ailments, beyond the spiritual degradation.)
(At this point, I should explain that holding anyone, anything, any idea or ideal as supreme, disregarding God as creator and Lord supreme constitutes idolatry. In other words whatever is at the center of your life is your god! And if that is anything but the Lord God as revealed to us in the biblical text, sent to us in the form of man to pay our penalty upon the cross and redeem us to himself, it is idolatry somewhere along the downward spiral of total depravity. I should also explain that a sexually immoral lifestyle involves any sexual activity outside of a committed, life long, covenant marriage; to include emotional attachments and visual stimuli. Further, in a covenant marriage vows are taken separately because they are not contingent on each others fulfillment.)
Rom 1:28-31 28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge (Not that God and His word were unreasonable, flawed or untrustworthy, they just found it inconvenient to their desired lifestyle.), God gave them over to a reprobate mind (Woe to those that are so far gone that God gives up on them.), to do those things which are not convenient; (encompassing that which is mentioned above and much more) (The list that follows entails those things that are common in an idolatrous mind, our faith and principals by which we live are inevitably expressed in our actions.) 29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity (The list thus far are attitudes that lead to the following actions.); whisperers (gossip), 30Backbiters (Exalting ones self often involves tearing others down.), haters of God (Disregarding biblical council and rebuke), despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents (Interesting mention here, but this is indeed the first sign of the self centeredness of the carnal man.), 31Without understanding (and refusing to gain any), covenant breakers (Self is the first rule, agreements are binding until inconvenient, but, none other is afforded such a luxury.), without natural affection (all others may die so long as I’m happy syndrome), implacable (hard hearted), unmerciful:
Rom 1:32 32Who knowing the judgment of God (as detailed in mazzaroth and in the scriptures from Genesis to Malachi), that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same (scripture regarded as irrelevant in the name of Christian liberty often excusing their actions with the culture shift argument, disregarding the consistent theme of God setting apart a people from “culture” and to Himself), but have pleasure in them that do them. (Did you catch that? Whether you are a sexually immoral person, or if you approve of ones lifestyle with so much as a “to each his own attitude” you are just as guilty yourself. The same goes for the rest of the items in the list, to listen to gossip without rebuke is to be guilty of it yourself, you have no parents to disobey but you encourage young people to do so, establishing ones justification in covenant breaking by “taking their side,” being a “yes man” to those who promote themselves by displacing others. I could go on detailing each, but it is summarized nicely as Paul moves into chapter 2.)
Well that’s chapter one. Chapter two is under way and has me in constant examination of my own hypocrisy; and deep contemplation of the role of the mosaic law today.
Until next time, Husband speaking